DMV 토요일 영업 종료: Final Saturday Hours to be Offered October 24 (2015)
2018년 6월부터, 토요일에도 DMV 오픈하기를 시작했네요.
2020년 10월부터 국내선 탑승과 연방건물 출입시
신분증으로 제시할 수 있는 "Real ID 드라이브 라이센스" 발급을 위해서
특정 DMV에서 토요일 오픈을 시행중입니다.
(단, 운전 면허 시험은 실시 되지 않습니다.)
LA한인타운 인근의 LA오피스(3615 S. Hope Street, LA)는 물론
산타모니카, 패사디나, 그라나다힐스, 밴나이스, 호손, 플러튼 지역 DMV도
토요일에 운전면허 신청과 차량등록 갱신, 리얼 ID 신청 등의 업무를 본다.
과거에는 DMV가 토요일날 일을 했지만, 지금은 열지 않는다고 하네요.
예전에 토요일날 2시간이나 걸려서 스피링팜 DMV가서, 실기 시험봤던게 어제 같은데.
이제 영업을 하지 않는다니 아쉽네요.
[ 시행안 공지 내용 ]
Contact: Office of Public Affairs
2415 First Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 657–6437 |
October 23, 2015
Final Saturday Hours to be Offered October 24
Temporary Program Helped Meet Increased Demand for AB 60 Driver Licenses
Sacramento – The final day for customers to take advantage of Saturday hours will be on October 24, 2015, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) no longer needs to keep its 60 designated field offices, including the four Driver License Processing Centers, open during weekends, now that applications for original driver licenses have returned to levels that were handled prior to the January 2, 2015, implementation of Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60).
The DMV began offering temporary Saturday hours on January 3, 2015 to help process the initial demand of original driver license applications from individuals who benefited from the Safe and Responsible Driver Act. It allows for undocumented individuals to apply for an original driver license with acceptable proof of identity and California residency.
As of October 9, 2015, the DMV has issued an estimated 525,000 driver licenses under AB 60. The DMV anticipates it will process approximately 1.4 million AB 60 related driver license applications during the program’s first three years.
The DMV continues to offer driver license related services at its four driver license processing centers in Granada Hills, Stanton, San Jose, and Lompoc. Customers can also schedule Monday – Friday appointments at any of its full service field offices by or calling 1-800-777-0133.
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